try different ways中文什么意思

发音:   用"try different ways"造句
  • try:    vt. (tried) 1.试,尝试 ...
  • different:    adj. 1.不同的,不一致的,有差 ...
  • way:    adv. 1.= away. 2.〔 ...
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  1. Then , during the next ten years , they tried different ways to make it
    (接着,在后来的十年里,他们做了不同的努力,来实现这个目标。 )
  2. Introduction : the sculpture reflects that when people seek solutions of some problems , they can try different ways
  3. It is making a difference , producing top students and elevating some of the schools involved to the upper ranks in hong kong today . " the programme lets schools try different ways of teaching . apart from formal classroom lessons , extra - curricular activities include sending students to visit the us congress and other important government agencies , organizing cambridge exam training , putonghua ambassadors , junior english reporters , special math classes and more


  1. try chinese food outside china 什么意思
  2. try chinese food outside of china 什么意思
  3. try cock 什么意思
  4. try conclusions with 什么意思
  5. try cooking 什么意思
  6. try doing 什么意思
  7. try doing sth 什么意思
  8. try en 什么意思
  9. try engine 什么意思
  10. try every shift 什么意思


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